Traditional versus digital advertising


Digital advertising versus traditional advertising

The first thing that we need to mention about is that digital advertising radically different from traditional advertising.

A number of key issues arise from the statement. For instance, digital advertising is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies. Which includes many different formats and contains items such as text, images, flash, video, audio and fast feedback. Nevertheless, traditional advertising usually focus just on one format and cannot be as effective as digital one.

“Both forms of advertising are of value but in different ways. Think of the two forms of advertising methods as boxers. Traditional media is the well-established 9-time heavyweight world champion, where as digital media is the incredible up-and-comer with the fastest feet and jabs in the business”, — Alex Donovan.

The increase in use of technologies in the last years changed the advertising industry. We decided to analyze femininity in digital advertising, because we could see how digital advertising can impose the image of women in society or to dictate a model of behavior for those who are easily mindless ingestion information, for example: children, teenagers and even adults.


On the other hand, we can observe that digital advertising started to be dominate in marketing world, be more relevant and the vast majority of companies decided to promote the product exactly that way.

As a proof, we could analyze infographic, which shows that online advertising compared to traditional forms takes all the money and the company chose this way to promote.


In addition, we recommend you to see this video in order to understand correct difference between the two forms:


Using digital advertising, you can easily reach your target local audience, and look through the cookies, knowing that this man will definitely be interested.

We want to note that so far, there is a problem in the incorrect portrayal of women in advertising. They are still victims of Sexual objectification. According to Oxford living dictionary: “objectification is the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object”. To draw the conclusion, we want using our blog to monitor the issue of representation of women in advertising and its effect on future generations.




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